Fanarts: #LunarNovaaFanArt
• Right handed
• 170cm/ 5'7
• Lil chubby, squishy thighed

In this world, when people die, they become spirits. Then those spirits transcend, becoming the stars and stardust you see when you look up at the night sky.These stars are watched over by an entity called the Star Guardian. This entity is only one of the Deities of this world. One day, the Star Guardian asked another Deity, the Deity Of Life, to find a new Star Guardian as it was time for the Star Guardian to transcend into what they were always destined to become. The Deity Of Life found a particular spirit that had yet become part of the stars. This spirit was Lunar.The Deities combined their power to transform Lunar's spirit into its purest form. This is the Lunar you've come to know now.Lunar quickly took to her new role, to watch over humanity, happily. She would swim among the stars some days, relax in her star cottage floating through space during others, and visit Earth in-between.Over the years, Lunar felt a bit distant from humanity. She was no longer one of them but she still loved to be among them. This slowly grew in her heart as loneliness. The Deity Of Life noticed this and sought out a way to ease Lunar's sadness. Soon the Deity Of Life came to Lunar with a box gift. Lunar smiled and cautiously opened the box, revealing a puppet doll that looked familiar to Lunar. She picked it up to get a better look and her eyes widened while her jaw dropped. This didn't just look like a doll she had as a child, it was that doll! It was Dilton. She gave it a hug before she heard a voice come from it, causing her to jump, nearly dropping the puppet in her shock. To her surprise, the Deity Of Life didn't just get her childhood puppet, but he was brought to life!Universe Expansion
There are many gods, all of which are ascended humans, who started off as guardians of their respective rule (i.e, the god of the stars was once a star guardian)
Both guardians and gods choose what version of their body they inhabit, with most guardians choosing their physical prime, despite the lack of effect on health and athleticism.As guardians transform into Gods over time, many choose to take back some of the features they had in their elderly mortal life. These aged features are seen as a standard of beauty and status.Guardians typically wear a more idealized version of what they wore/wanted to wear during their time on earth to begin with, however over time they take inspiration from what they observe on mortal earth.Gods tend to dress how the perceived elite of their time would have dressed, with drawn inspiration from their own hobbies and likes. Whilst most Gods have an accurate perception of who the elites of their time are, some see the people who caused them personal strife to be the elites of their time. (i.e, a God who was a nerd and grew up in the 90s may see jocks as “the elite” of their time)


Design Mama: IgnEmii
Live2d Model: SlimeCat
3D Model: Hypurin
Scuffed Model Fionella


Overlay: kei_azure
Logo: Soren Arioch
Starting Soon Screen: Lunifura
BRB screen: asha
Ending Soon Screen: nemS2ya
Stream Schedule: 2dpup